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This page is here to help explain the 3 different, but at times, concurrent #edchatIE events over the next few days as well as where to go to add topics or to vote on topics and the times the different #edchatIE discussions are set to take place.
If it's still not clear DM me on Twitter @fboss
edchatIE 1:
This has been set up to take place around 7.45pm during the CESImeet on Friday 13th. There's a longer page explaining it all in this wiki.
Based around a fun way of explaining how #edchatIE works, it will involve the educators at the CESImeet creating in a about 15mins an educational Fairtwale based on the use of ICT in schools. The great thing about #edchatIE is that you don't have to be there in person and can attend virtually by following and using the #edchatIE hashtag when you Tweet. So, please come along and contribute to the building of this story
The topics are pre-set for this #edchatIE event and you can vote for them at http://twtpoll.com/kis42u until the poll closes at noon on Friday 13th.
How it'll run:
I'll announce the winning Fairytwale through Twitter once the vote has closed and after a short presentation on #edchatIE I'll tweet out the first line of the Fairytwale and then everyone has 15mins to create it. I'll be keeping an eye on the time and trying to move the story along to its conclusion. We're looking for everyone to tweet in a "next sentence", however, if someone tweets a sentence that you like a lot, please retweet it. This will help me pull all of the sentences together in the end and add in those sentences to the story that people really thought (by retweeting) should be there.
REMEMBER: You must use the hashtag #edchatIE when you tweet or your sentences won't be captured when I go to summarise all of the tweets to create the Fairytwale.
The Fairtwale itself will be available from lunchtime at the conference for all to download. Yes, you're right - the link to it will be tweeted.
edchatIE 2:
This #edchatIE will take place during the ICT in Education conference being held in the Tipperary Institute: http://www.tippinst.ie/schools/
It will run from approx. 12:30 - 1:00pm in Room B154 if you're attending. If you can't be there in person, please follow along & join in using the hashtag #edchatIE on Twitter around that time.
In order to give those attending either physically or virtually, it'll run using much the same format as the usual #edchatIE sessions on Monday nights.
First, there's a poll already out looking for potential topics to be suggested. Please take a moment to add yours to this poll at: http://twtpoll.com/7n5uz8
Secondly, this poll will close at 10pm on Friday 13th and very soon after this a new poll will open looking for the topics to be voted on to decide what'll be discussed at the #edchatIE LIVE event itself. This voting poll will only be open for a short while and will close by 10am on Saturday 14th, during the Conference.
Thirdly, the winning topic will then be announced shortly afterwards, again during the Conference, so keep an eye on your Twitter stream and the hashtag #edchatIE
Fourthly, you need to follow #edchatIE in Twitter or use either Tweetdeck or http://tweetchat.com/ to keep track of all that is discussed and to join in as well!
Looking forward to seeing you there.
edchatIE 3:
This is the usual #edchatIE discussion that takes place on Monday nights.
The poll looking for you to suggest your topics has just gone live. Please go to http://twtpoll.com/8xze3p and add your topic before it closes on Sunday at 1pm.
Very soon after it closes, a new poll looking for your votes to decide the topic for Monday night's regular #edchatie will be tweeted. That poll will close on Monday afternoon and the winning topic will be tweeted out to all using the hashtag #edchatIE
The regular Monday #edchatIE will take place, as always, from 8.30-9.30pm that night. I look forward to seeing you online for it.
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