This page will host the links to the summaries for all of the #edchatIE sessions from the start of #edchatIE up to summer 2012. You can reach all of the summaries for the 2012-2013 school year by clicking here
Session Number 79 - captured on 07/01/2013:
How do you develop 21st century technology skills in schools with 20th century equipment and facilities?
This was the first #edchatie discussion of 2013. Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 79 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 78 - captured on 10/12/2012:
ICT-related skills/topics every newly qualified teacher (NQT) should have covered in initial teacher education
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 78 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 77 - captured on 03/12/2012:
Teaching creativity - can it be done?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 77 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 76 - captured on 26/11/2012:
School Self Evaluation (SSE)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 76 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 75 - captured on 19/11/2012:
Crowd-sourcing the #HowILearn book on #edchatIE
This week saw a Special Event where we combined the usual #edchatie discussion with @AnseoaMuinteoir's great series of blogposts about #HowILearn in order to crowd-source a book in aid of @Barnados_IRL.
The topic was "How I Learn”, Mon 19th November, 2012. Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 75 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 74 - captured on 12/11/2012:
Doing a Masters - is it worth the effort?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 74 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 73 - captured on 05/11/2012:
iPads are the wrong choice for schools
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 73 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 72 - captured on 22/10/2012:
What should we expect from a digitally literate teacher?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 72 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 71 - captured on 15/10/2012:
What should the Teaching Council be doing?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 71 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
The Teaching Council @TeachingCouncil have responded to the content of #edchatie Number 71. The document they have sent on is linked to here.
Session Number 70 - captured on 08/10/2012:
Junior Cert Reforms
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 70 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 69 - captured on 01/10/2012:
What are the basics you have to have in your classroom?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 69 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 68 - captured on 24/09/2012:
Standardised Testing
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 68 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 67 - captured on 17/09/2012:
What are the biggest obstacles to edtech in schools?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 67 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 66 - captured on 10/09/2012:
What are the biggest obstacles to edtech in schools?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 66 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 65 - captured on 03/09/2012:
Positive discipline in the classroom and methods teachers use to apply it.
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 65 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 64 - captured on 27/08/2012:
Classroom layout and organisation. What works? What doesn't?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 64 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
This week saw the first #edchatie discussion of the new school year (2012-2013) held on Monday night, 27th August, from 8.30pm-9.30pm.
Session Number 63 - captured on 02/07/2012:
The casualisation of the teaching profession
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 63 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 62 - captured on 25/06/2012:
Principals are the enemy
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 62 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 61 - captured on 18/06/2012:
The new Teaching Council code of conduct and implication for you, your teaching and education.
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 61 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 60 - captured on 11/06/2012:
How should Irish be taught in school? Should it be two tiered? Tier 1 - Focussing on Oral / Written Fluency. Tier 2 Advanced study of Irish.
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 60 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 59 - captured on 28/05/2012:
Building bridges between primary post primary and third level
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 59 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 58 - captured on 21/05/2012:
"Learning Spaces: If learning is to be constant, Space, Time, Technology, Pedagogy, Curriculum must be the Variables."
This week we held a special #edchatie session and continued the conversation that began on Saturday 18th May with a #cesimeet and continued the next day with the 8th #ictedu ICT in Education Conference hosted by LIT Tipperary on Saturday 19th of May 2012.
The theme of this year's event is "Learning Spaces: If learning is to be constant, Space, Time, Technology, Pedagogy, Curriculum must be the Variables." Mon 14th May, 2012
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 58 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar
Session Number 57 - captured on14/05/2012:
"7-11 May is Teacher Appreciation Week in the US: could we do the same in Ireland?" AND "Great teachers who inspired me to be a teacher"?
There was a draw in this week's #edchatie vote and as both topics were complimentary, both were used.
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 57 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar
Session Number 56 - captured on 30/04/2012:
What features should digital textbooks have within the next five years?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 56 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 55 - captured on 23/04/2012:
A better, fairer Leaving Cert?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 55 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 54 - captured on 16/04/2012:
What would be your ideal 21st Century classroom layout?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 54 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatar)
Session Number 53 - captured on 26/03/2012:
BYOD is it possible? The advantages of mobile learning in your class
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 53 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 52 - captured on 19/03/2012:
Bully how do you deal with bullying in your class
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 52 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 51 - captured on 12/03/2012:
Curricular and Organisational Apps for Educators
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 51 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 50 - captured on 05/03/2012:
Technology on a Budget
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 50 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 49 - captured on 27/02/2012:
Special #edchatie No.1: Gifted Children inside the classroom and out
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 49 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
This online chat was run to celebrate the Gifted Education Awareness Week (GEAW2012) which began on Monday February 27th and culminates in the annual CTYI Conference in DCU on Saturday 3rd March, 2012. Check out the Gifted and Talented webpages for more information.
As the conversation was not fully captured automatically a full version of Session Number 49 is available here.
Session Number 48 - captured on 20/02/2012:
How can we make homework more interesting and not just continuous writing exercises?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 48 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars
Session Number 47 - captured on 13/02/2012:
How have cuts to education affected your teaching?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 47 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars
Session Number 46 - captured on 06/02/2012:
Integrating Technology into the Classroom
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 46 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars
Session Number 45 - captured on 30/01/2012:
Lifelong Learning through ICT
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 45 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars
Session Number 44 - captured on 23/01/2012:
Cost free resources that every school should use
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 44 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 43 - captured on 16/01/2012:
Teachers and Social Media
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 43 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 42 - captured on 09/01/2012:
Why do so many adults reflect negatively on their educational experience
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 42 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
This was the first #edchatie session of 2012.
Session Number 41 - captured on 19/12/2011:
How do you facilitate creativity in your classroom
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 41 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
This was the last #edchatie session of 2011.
Session Number 40 - captured on 12/12/2011:
What do you want to change in your classroom for 2012
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 40 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 39 - captured on 05/12/2011:
What does it mean to be Literate in today's/tomorrow's society
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 39 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 38 - captured on 28/11/2011:
Education after Circular 0056/2011 (Literacy & Numeracy)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 38 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 37 - captured on 21/11/2011:
Is it important to teach our pupils to be media savvy? And how do we do it?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 37 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 36 - captured on 14/11/2011:
Important lessons you've learned and want to pass on to other teachers?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 36 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 35 - captured on 07/11/2011:
Changes to the Junior Cert, 2014
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 35 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 34 - captured on 24/10/2011:
The case for History: why it shouldn't be dropped at Junior Cert
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 34 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 33 - captured on 17/10/2011:
Which is better for your classroom: a wiki or a blog and what is the difference?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 33 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 32 - captured on 10/10/2011:
Skills students take from Primary through Secondary into Third level and Life
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 32 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 31 - captured on 03/10/2011:
The NCCA proposals for a new Junior Cert
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 31 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 30 - captured on 26/09/2011:
Engaging students through internet based learning: ideas on how this can be done
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 30 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 29 - captured on 19/09/2011:
Setting Vs Streaming: how do we decide?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 29 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 28 - captured on 12/09/2011:
Let's do something. Let's sort (and figure) out setting up a repository (or something) for sharing
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 28 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 27 - captured on 05/09/2011:
Teaching computer skills to students (as) opposed to office skills
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 27 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 26 - captured on 29/08/2011:
What equipment is essential to modern teaching?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 26 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 25 - captured on 22/08/2011:
What new weblinks/tech do you want to use this new school year?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 25 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 24 - captured on 15/08/2011:
Teachers' Unions: disconnected from teachers?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 24 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 23 - captured on 08/08/2011:
What can teachers do to improve our image in the media?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 23 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 22 - captured on 01/08/2011:
What exactly are inspectors looking for?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 22 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 21 - captured on 25/07/2011:
How to promote Literacy in the classroom
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 21 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 20 - captured on 18/07/2011:
Google+ The ideal social networking tool for education?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 20 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 19 - captured on 11/07/2011:
Games in Education
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 19 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 18 - captured on 04/07/2011:
Will the new Junior Cert course be the ideal opportunity to get all teachers involved in using ICT?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 18 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 17 - captured on 27/06/2011:
Google Apps and Cloud Computing
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 17 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 16 - captured on 20/06/2011:
Using Social Media in the Classroom - Examples of best practice
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 16 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 15 - captured on 13/06/2011:
The public view of teachers in Ireland today
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 15 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Session Number 14 - captured on 06/06/2011:
Digital Textbooks
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: #edchatIE number 14 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
It was great to see that on a bank holiday in Ireland 80 educators were involved in this discussion. There are other stats included in the document.
Session Number 13 - captured on 30/05/2011:
Freedom from the oppression of PowerPoint
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: #edchatIE number 13 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
The stats are included within the transcript.
Session Number 12 - captured on 23/05/2011:
Using Croke Park Hours for CPD
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: #edchatIE number 12 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
The stats are included within the transcript.
Session Number 11 - captured on 16/05/2011:
Discuss how education might benefit by having Individualised Educational Plans for every student
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: #edchatIE number 11 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
The stats below are now public and available at:

Session Number 10 - captured on 09/05/2011:
What websites you use most often for Classroom use & for lesson planning
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: #edchatIE number 10 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Thanks to @peter_lydon for mentioning Tweetdoc as a method to capture the #edchatie tweetstream.
Much thanks to Mary Jo Bell for supplying this large list of links after #edchatIE number 10: Weblinks for teachers
The stats below are now public and available at:

Top URLs listed first this time as that was what the #edchatIE was all about.

Session Number 9 - captured on 03/05/2011:
How can we encourage 20th Century teachers to adopt 21st Century methods in their classrooms
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 9 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Please start to read from the bottom of the transcript.
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
The stats below are now public and available at:

Session Number 8 - captured on 25/04/2011:
Ways that educators from 1st, 2nd & 3rd level could work together to benefit both students & ourselves
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 8 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Please start to read from the bottom of the transcript.
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
The stats below are now public and available at:

Session Number 7 - captured on 18/04/2011:
VLEs for Learning or PLNs?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 7 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Please start to read from the bottom of the transcript.
Link to PDF transcript in chronological order: No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss

Once again - available - Thanks to @web20classroom for the link to this site (also available as a download to your PC) The Archivist
Session Number 6 - captured on 11/04/2011:
Data Projector and web-connected PC/Laptop - what can be accomplished with this setup?
Link to PDF transcript: No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 6 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Please start to read from the bottom of the transcript.
No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
Session Number 5:
How to reform the curriculum to better integrate ICT?
Link to PDF transcript: No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 5 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars) Please start to read from the bottom of the transcript.
No longer available - I need to find a new service that does this, as What the Hashtag has closed. If you know of one please DM me on Twitter @fboss
Session Number 4:
How to bring teachers on board who are tech-resistant?
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 4 (featuring tweets in the correct order)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 4 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)

In the last 7 days:
- 416 tweets
- 61 contributors
- 59.4 tweets per day
- 66.8% come from "The Top 10"
- 29.1% are retweets
- 66.3% are mentions
- 10.1% have multiple hashtags
Session Number 3:
Solutions to the crowded curriculum
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 3 (featuring tweets in the correct order)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 3 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)

In the last 7 days:
- 437 tweets
- 60 contributors
- 62.4 tweets per day
- 67.0% come from "The Top 10"
- 30.4% are retweets
- 73.0% are mentions
- 10.1% have multiple hashtags
Session Number 2:
ICT Support in Schools
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 2 (featuring tweets in the correct order)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 2 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)

More stats: in the last 7 days -
- 425 tweets
- 67 contributors
- 60.7 tweets per day
- 65.6% come from "The Top 10"
- 36.5% are retweets
- 68.2% are mentions
- 17.2% have multiple hashtags
Session Number 1:
Examples of how a little technology in class can go a long way
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 1 (featuring tweets in the correct order)
Link to PDF transcript: #edchatIE number 1 (PDF created from twitter-stream featuring participant avatars)
Topmost transcript taken from:

The stats for #edchatIE number 1 show that in the last 7 days there were:
- 492 tweets
- 69 contributors
- 70.3 tweets per day
- 61.6% come from "The Top 10"
- 33.3% are retweets
- 63.2% are mentions
- 15.4% have multiple hashtags
NOTE: What the hashtag gives an automatic set of 7 day stats, even though 99% of the activity happened during the actual hour of #edchatIE on Monday 7th March, 2011.
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