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Welcome to the Tally page for the voting on #edchatIE
Normally, votes aren't tallied until after the election is over, but Irish Educators on Twitter are wondering how it's going so far.
Above are the scores from the final results of the poll.
Monday 8.30 - 9.30pm came in at 24% and so this is the date and time we'll go with for #edchatIE. I would like to thank all those who took the time to take the short survey. We're now looking for topics to discuss. Please DM me at @fboss on Twitter with any ideas for this inaugural #edchatIE
What's a Tallyman?
If you're interested in what a Tallyman does (not just for an election) or just want to show your students in class, try the video below. Probably more entertaining than educational, but it does briefly explain that a Tallyman is in charge of the counting.
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