Just when you you were waiting . . . 2 #edchatie discussions come along at once!
This week sees two separate #edchatie discussions.
On Monday we're celebrating with @mathsweek and will be discussing 3 topics during the hour long discussion - and these are:
- Strategies for problem solving in maths
- How parents can help their children
- Sharing useful teaching strategies
We'll spend 20 minutes on each topic to allow for them all to be covered, so keep an eye out for the call to change topic every 20 minutes.
The #edchatie timeslot of 8.30-9.30pm will be live on, of all days, Thursday 15th October to help celebrate #EducationDay, a European-wide, Twitter-based sharing by all those in Education.
You are invited to take part in the #edchatie discussion hour but the #EducationDay hashtag will be live for the whole day.
You can sign up for more info through Twitter here.
Here's some of the stuff you can do or take part in during #EducationDay:
Take part in #edchatie:
Join in the special #edchatie #EducationDay discussion about using Twitter in Education in Ireland on Thursday 15th October, at the usual #edchatie time, from 8.30-9.30pm
Twitter in the classroom:
Schools will be encouraged to embrace best practice uses of Twitter in the classroom.
Student initiatives:
Extra-curricular student projects and initiatives will be celebrated, to generate conversations about entrepreneurship, opportunities and voluntary programs.
Teacher tips:
Teachers will be asked to offer educational tips and advice in 140 characters to encourage and motivate their students.
Organisations will use #EducationDay to show off unknown cool projects they are working on and take their audiences behind-the-scenes through Periscope (@periscopeco) broadcasts of unique facilities, and host Twitter Q&A sessions to reveal more about their day-to-day activities
Key announcements:
This will see orhanisations announce events, courses and updates throughout the day.
Looking forward to seeing you at both #edchatie discussions next week!
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